Toolkit Cards


Whilst developing the ‘drag and drop’ system, the concept of cards was introduced as a toolkit to physically represent world characteristics.

During the TILT activity, four characteristics of the world could be determined, which then translate into four world cards.

Cards could be grouped together for each of the categories in the system. A symbolic object attached to a keychain could keep the cards together, and work as a tangible game artefact.

Workshop Notes

Toolkit, Workshops

Notes from observations of multiple workshops utilising systems inspired by The Quiet Year, Deep Forest, Tiny Fate and more

These observations provided insight into the introduction, setting up, and overall player involvement in world-building from both experienced and novice rpg player’s perspectives.

World / Knowledge Disjunct Issue


A game system acts as an underlying structure – a design dilemma is finding a simple way of making the participant design material an important aspect of gameplay,

Some brainstorming with JFM which envisions cards / grids as participant input cues: